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Palladium Applications


The Palladium production volume outruns all other platinum metals. Palladium is used mostly in medicine and dentistry (25-40% of annual consumption); electrical products and electronics (30-40%), chemical industry (10-15%), automotive industry (5-15%), jewelry (2-5%), glass production etc.

Palladium is used in surgical instruments, hearth stimulators, tooth prosthetics, arbors, and some drugs. In electronics it is used in palladic pastes for integral chips manufacture, and special spring electrical Palladium contacts alloyed with Chromium и Zirconium as well as Palladium-Silver, Palladium-Copper and other alloys. Palladium forms a good catalyst and is used to speed up hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions, as well as in petroleum cracking. At room temperature one volume unit of palladium absorbs 950 units of hydrogen. During this process it swells and cracks. Palladium is hydrogen-specific. Advanced gas absorption is typical for all platinum metals. The largest use of palladium today is in automotive catalytic converters. It is used in glass production crucibles, in artificial silk and viscose filament

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