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Palladous Iodide, PdI2

Palladium is stained by iodine solution and tarnished by iodine vapour, whilst a certain amount of combination between the two elements takes place when they are heated together, if the metal is in a finely divided condition. Palladium is slowly attacked by a mixture of nitric and hydriodic acid. In each of these cases a little palladous iodide is produced.

A convenient method of preparing the salt consists in adding potassium iodide to a slight excess of palladous chloride solution, when it is precipitated as a black mass, readily soluble in excess of potassium iodide. When dried in air it contains one molecule of water; heated to 300-360° C. it decomposes, evolving iodine. In order to remove the last traces of iodine, however, it is necessary to heat to redness in a current of hydrogen.

Ammonia converts palladous iodide into the diammoniate, PdI2.2NH3. Although insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether, it dissolves slightly in hydriodic acid, and easily in aqueous potassium iodide, yielding:

Potassium Iodopalladite, K2PdI4, which, upon concentration, crystallises out as black, hygroscopic cubes.

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